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Contact Information.

Athletes for Farming is a recently established consultancy, and our dream is to build bridges between the sports community and organic, local, honest food production.

In all the projects that we will be involved, communication of knowledge about the importance of nutrition and an agriculture build on the mindset that: “Our main responsibility as stewards of the earth is to respect the design of creation” (Joel Salatin), will always be the main focus point. It is within these fields that our enthusiasm, interest and passion are found, and thereby it is also within these areas we are most knowledgeable.

Our goal is to contribute to a healthier performance culture both within agriculture and sports. We will work towards this, by promoting awareness of humans role in the ecosystem, and how a holistic use of natures resources can be related to athletic performances, improved health and a over all improved quality of life.

Athletes for Farming was established as a corporation October 20, 2013, and formally approved as a corporation by the Norwegian government November 7 the same year.
Currently, we consist of Alexandra Devik and Kjell-Christian Markset.
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